Advisory, Development and Consulting Services
On active ingredientes, biomolocules and controlled release systems, as well as on processes and finished products.
Quality Control Procedures for Third Parties
Research and tests on finished products and determinación of active ingredients.
About us
We are a biotechnological company from argentina, with a focus on research, development, production and sales of active ingredientes and controlled release systems. Our tasks lead us to become strategic providers of the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, veterinary, dentistry and food sector.
News Letter Nº 324 ” Un extracto dos usos” / ” One extract two uses”
"Un extracto dos usos" " One extract two uses" Extracto Glicólico de Aloe Vera: Hidrata, nutre y suaviza la piel por su gran capacidad para retener el agua…
News Letter Nº 320 ” Informacion importante area de analitica y comunicacion en gral” ” special information about analytics area and general communication”
Estimados Clientes y Amigos: Les informamos que a partir del 1ro de abril, estaremos retomando nuestras actividades también en el área de analítica, tomando todos los recaudos necesarios que la…
News Letter Nº 319 ” 1ro de Abril retomaremos actividades” ” April 1st return to activities”
Estimados clientes Les informamos que retomaremos nuestras actividades el día 1ro de abril en virtud decreto de necesidad y urgencia 297/2020, emitido por el gobierno nacional en cuyo…
Our products are produced and controlled according to international market standards. For this we use basic raw materials of excellent quality, the result of the extraordinary biodiversity that surrounds us.
Let’s talk
We believe in quality, innovative, safe and efficient products.
Where we are
1872 Cafayate st.
Zip Code C1440FLP
The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Phone/Fax ( 54 11) 4686 3008 – 24 hs